Month: November 2022


Hello there bloggers and today this week, our class was playing rugby it was really fun and good for exercising.when we got to the field there was instructors waiting for us on the field. The instructors told us what we were playing for today. The game that we were playing was capture the flag.  When they said go we all ran to the other side to get the balls, I got and so the others to, there was three people in the safe zone we all grab the balls  and ran out of there quickly, Someone tag me a the back of me but the others got over the line safely. Then someone got to the safe zone on our side. they got the ball and ran to the side of the field, I ran as fast as possible to tag him and i did, they put the ball back and went to their side. anyway good bye I’ll see you in my next post, Bye!

My day of basketball

Hello there Blogger and today this week our class went for a game of basketball, we first had to warm up a bit so we can know the game that were playing. The game started and it was chaotic everywhere. People were running everywhere trying to get the ball off the person, I tried to get it but it was too crowded, i was trying to block the person right behind me but he ran past me and got the ball, in till we won. here is the photo that our teacher sent to me and the class. anyway good bye bloggers and i’ll see you next time in my next post, bye!

Carmen San Diego

Hello there bloggers, and this week our teacher gave us 3 diffident cases to go on. the first case was the stolen crown loot from London, the second case was the stolen mask of Tukankhamaun from the pyramid. The third one that i forgot about it but i will remember next time. any way good bye bloggers and i will see you in my next post. (look down here to see my work)

Goat island

Hello there bloggers. this week from Monday we went to goat island for emr, when we got there we went into groups so one group can do the swimming and the other group can go to the forest to do some beach study. anyway goodbye


Hello there Blogger And today this week our class were doing some maths a couple days ago.  and so I am about to give my progress on my work that I been working on for the past few Days, but i can’t bring it up for no reason, anyway good bye blogger i’ll see you next time bye bye.

My Goldilocks

Hello there Blogger and this week me and my friend were making a doc from the last 4 Days we been working on it really hard on it and we were almost finish our writing, we were doing a great job making our writing, we were getting ideas making the story more great and more exciting. Anyway i’ll see you later in my next post, bye bye